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Update time : 2020-08-11 18:03:48

SXEffect can be invided into transition, text animation, filter, video effects, etc., which can determined by the type attributes. Moreover it can be initialized by adding effect to tracks or main track group, created by adding methods on the track and not exist independently.

The effect has different time follow types.

typedef enum : NSUInteger {
    SXEffectTimeFollowTypeNone,   //Based on in point of track, the start time is relative to in point of track.  
    SXEffectTimeFollowTypeFollowStart, //Start time of effect can be set at the beginning of track to achieve entrance effect.  
    SXEffectTimeFollowTypeFollowEnd, //End time of effect can be set at the end of the track to achieve exit effect. 
    SXEffectTimeFollowTypeFollowWholeProcess //The display time of effect is the whole track duration.
 * Set effect time follow type, SXEffectTimeFollowTypeNone by default.
 * @warning Effect time follow type may result in changing the start time, end time and whole duration dynamically, even voiding the setting of start time or duration. 
 * @param type Effect time follow type.
- (void)setEffectFollowType:(SXEffectTimeFollowType)type;