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Text Animation Guide

Update time : 2020-05-06 11:07:56

Text Animation Creation and Exporting Guide

When you use Edit SDK, text style, text animation and text bubble are common functions. You can create very good text effects by typing text content, setting text styles (like character style, text stroke color), adding text animation (like typewriter effect, text rotation fly-in effect, text zoom effect, spiral effect etc.), setting text bubble ( text frame or text background).

So how to make users have more choices in text styles, text animations, text bubbles? Our customers need to create text style, text animation, and text bubble with VE Exporter in advance and then upload them to products for using. You can create basic text style, text animation and text bubble with VE Exporter.

  1. Basic text style refers to text color, text stroke color, text stroke width etc..
  2. Text animation refers to add animation to character position, character rotation, character transparency, character italic, character leading.
  3. Text bubble refers to add text frame or text background.


  1. VE Exporter supports range selector.

    At present, VE Exporter supports range selector and some advanced parameters and you can blend multiple selectors.